JANUARY 12, 2022

The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

President of the United States

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20500

The Honorable Charles E. Schumer

Senate Majority Leader 

United States Senate 

Room S-221, U.S. Capitol 

Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Mitch McConnell

Senate Minority Leader

United States Senate 

R S-230, U.S. Capitol 

Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. President, Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McConnell, 

We urge you to fight for the immediate passage of voting rights legislation that is critical to the long-term stability of our democratic system and American rule of law: the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act. The provisions in both measures, designed to protect the freedom to vote and to have those votes counted, are overwhelmingly popular and must receive an up-or-down vote in the Senate however that can be accomplished. 

As successful business leaders, large employers, and investors, we cannot overstate the peril we see to America’s long-term economic health and the profitability of U.S. businesses if our rule of law erodes. The stability afforded by our democratic system of government and our open economy are the cornerstones of American innovation and our economic dominance around the world. We cannot allow voter suppression efforts or a refusal to certify legitimate federal election results to spark potential economic instability, violence, or other calamities that scholars of business and democracy alike are warning of with increasing alarm. 

We do not view this issue as a partisan one. First and foremost, we are all Americans, and protecting our freedom to vote at the federal level is essential. We cannot allow political advantage to be gained by either major party through erecting needless barriers to the franchise, drawing maps that dilute the will of the voters, or to seek partisan advantage over the administration and certification of election results.

Too much is at stake. We call on you and other national leaders, regardless of political party, to reform Senate rules to ensure that vital voting rights legislation can receive a straight up-or-down vote before we lose the window to act. 


Sarah Amico
Chairman, Jack Cooper Holdings

Allen Blue
Co-Founder, LinkedIn

Ron Conway
Founder and Co-Managing Partner, SV Angel

Ryan Gellert
CEO, Patagonia Works and Patagonia, Inc.

Reid Hoffman
Partner, Greylock Partners

Stacey Walker King
Chief Brand Officer, MACRO

Lisa Lewin
CEO, General Assembly

Alexis Ohanian
Co-Founder and Former Executive Chairman, Reddit

Joel Poznansky
Chairman, Columbia Books and Information Services

Geoff Ralston
President, Y Combinator

David Rusenko
Founder, Weebly, Co-Founder, Leap Forward

Josh Silverman
CEO, Etsy

Daniel “Dan” Tierney
Co-Founder, GETCO

Joseph Walla
Co-Founder and CEO, HelloSign

Connie Ballmer
Co-Founder, Ballmer Group

Ursula Burns
Former Chairwoman and CEO, Xerox Corporation and VEON, Ltd.

Eddie Fishman
Managing Director and Member of the Executive Committee, D.E. Shaw & CO., L.P.

Dr. Erika Gonzalez
Co-Chair, Small Business for America

Steve Huffman
CEO, Reddit

Chris Larsen
Executive Chairman, Ripple

Zander Lurie
CEO, Momentive Global Inc.

Charles Phillips
Former President, Oracle, Former CEO and Chairman, Infor

Jeff Raikes
Former President, Microsoft Business Division, Co-Founder, North Forty Companies

Mariel Reed
CEO, CoProcure

Eric Schmidt
Co-Founder, Schmidt Futures

Jeff Skoll
Founder, Skoll Foundation

Olivia von Nieda
CEO, Jova Coffee Company

Daniella Ballou-Aares
Founder and CEO, Leadership Now

Tony Coles, M.D.
Executive Chairman and CEO, Cerevel Therapeutics

Brad Garlinghouse
CEO, Ripple

Prerna Gupta
CEO, Telepathic

Charles D. King
CEO and Founder, MACRO

Jeff Lawson
CEO, Twilio

Neil Malik
Founder and Managing Partner, K1 Investment Management

John Pleasants
CEO, Brava Home

Tricia Raikes
Co-Founder, North Forty Companies

Craig Robinson
Chief Growth Officer, Industrious

Stacy Schusterman
Chair, Samson Energy Company, LLC

Robert F. Smith
Founder, Chairman, and CEO, Vista Equity Partners

Jeffrey C. Walker
Former Co-Founder and CEO, CCMP Capital (successor to JPMorgan Partners)