The Threat to Democracy and Our Economy

Record numbers of voters turned out in 2020. But instead of celebrating a win for American democracy, states across the country are passing laws that make it harder to vote and easier to overturn election results, including:

  • New restrictions on mail-in voting and reduced polling locations and voting hours

  • Measures giving partisan lawmakers the authority to reject election results they don’t like

  • Measures intended to intimidate non-partisan election officials by criminalizing mistakes or creating new civil penalties  

  • Redrawing congressional maps to significantly advantage one political party over another

These voter and election suppression laws threaten our freedom — and our economy.

  • Our open economy and markets are the envy of the world – precisely because they are backed by the rule of law and a stable political system. That is why the U.S. dollar remains the world’s reserve currency.

  • CEOs, their boards, and investors rely on the bedrock stability of a functioning American democracy to generate American jobs and wealth. In fact, a new study finds that an overwhelming 85 percent of business leaders believe that capitalism in the United States depends upon a well-functioning democracy.  

  • Research has found that higher rates of voter participation lead to healthier stock market returns, while low voter turnout can shrink the middle class and paralyze economic growth.